SEC Filings
Date | Form | Description | Filing Group | Download |
05/10/2022 | 8-K | Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event | Current Reports | 5.10.22 8-K FINAL.pdf |
05/9/2022 | 8-K | Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event | Current Reports | 5-9-2022 8-K FINAL.pdf |
05/9/2022 | 10-Q | Quarterly report which provides a continuing view of a company's financial position | Quarterly Filings | 3-31-22 10Q FINAL_0.pdf |
04/7/2022 | POS AM | Registration Statement under Securities Act of 1933 | Registration Statements | POS AM (4) (Resale 333-256496) FINAL.pdf |
04/7/2022 | POS AM | Registration Statement under Securities Act of 1933 | Registration Statements | POS AM (3) (Resale 333-260531) FINAL.pdf |
04/7/2022 | POS AM | Registration Statement under Securities Act of 1933 | Registration Statements | POS AM (2) (PHX SHELF 333-249538) FINAL.pdf |
04/7/2022 | POS AM | Registration Statement under Securities Act of 1933 | Registration Statements | POS AM (1) (Resale 333-262165) FINAL.pdf |
04/7/2022 | S-8 POS | Registration Statement under Securities Act of 1933 | Registration Statements | Form S-8 POS FINAL_0.pdf |
04/7/2022 | S-8 POS | Registration Statement under Securities Act of 1933 | Registration Statements | Form S-8 POS FINAL.pdf |
04/5/2022 | 8-K | Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event | Current Reports | 4-5-2022 8-K FINAL.pdf |
03/17/2022 | 8-K | Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event | Current Reports | 3-17-2022 8-K FINAL.pdf |
03/15/2022 | 8-K | Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event | Current Reports | 3-15-2022 8-K FINAL.pdf |
03/3/2022 | 8-K | Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event | Current Reports | 3-3-2022 8-K FINAL.pdf |
02/14/2022 | 8-K | Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event | Current Reports | 2-14-2022 8-K FINAL.pdf |
02/14/2022 | 10-Q | Quarterly report which provides a continuing view of a company's financial position | Quarterly Filings | 12-31-21 FINAL.pdf XBRL Data Files - 12-31-21 Form |
01/27/2022 | 424(b)(3) | Prospectus filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3) | Other | 424B3 Final_0.pdf |
01/20/2022 | DEF A14A | Additional proxy soliciting materials - definitive | Proxy Statements | DEFA14A FINAL_0.pdf |
01/20/2022 | DEF 14A | Official notification to shareholders of matters to be brought to a vote ("Proxy") | Proxy Statements | DEF14A FINAL_0.pdf |
01/14/2022 | S-3 | Registration Statement under Securities Act of 1933 | Registration Statements | 2022 S-3 Final.pdf |
01/10/2022 | PRE 14A | A preliminary proxy statement providing notification matters to be brought to a vote | Proxy Statements | Preliminary DEF14A FINAL_0.pdf |