Registration Statements
Registration Statements groupings list:
- 10-12B Registration filing of securities pursuant to section 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act
- 10-12B/A Amendment to a previously filed 10-12B
- 10-12G A general registration filing of securities pursuant to section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act
- 10-12G/A Amendment to a previously filed 10-12G
- 10SB12B Registration for small business issuers pursuant to section 12(b) of Securities Exchange Act
- 10SB12B/A Amendment to a previously filed 10SB12B
- 10SB12G Registration for small business issuers pursuant to section 12(g) of Securities Exchange Act
- 10SB12G/A Amendment to a previously filed 10SB12G
- 18-12B Registration of securities filed pursuant to section 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act
- 18-12B/A Amendment to a previously filed 18-12B
- 18-12G Registration of securities filed pursuant to section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act
- 18-12G/A Amendment to a previously filed 18-12G
- 20FR12B Registration of securities of foreign private issuers 12 (b) of the Securities Exchange Act
- 20FR12B/A Amendment to a previously filed 20FR12B
- 20FR12G Registration of securities of foreign private issuers 12 (g) of the Securities Exchange Act
- 20FR12G/A Amendment to a previously filed 20FR12G
- 24F-1 Registration of securities by certain investment companies 24f-1. Notification of election
- 24F-2EL Registration of securities by certain investment companies 24f-2. Declaration of election
- 24F-2EL/A Amendment to a previously filed 24F-2EL
- 24F-2NT Registration of securities by certain investment companies. Rule 24f-2 notice
- 24F-2NT/A Amendment to a previously filed 24F-2NT
- 424A Substantive changes from or additions to a prospectus previously filed
- 424B1 Form of prospectus that discloses information previously omitted from the prospectus
- 424B2 Form of prospectus filed in connection with primary offering of securities on a delayed basis
- 424B3 Form of prospectus reflecting facts events constituting substantive change from last form
- 424B4 Form of prospectus disclosing information facts events covered in both forms 424B1 424B3
- 424B5 Form of prospectus disclosing information facts events covered in both forms 424B2 424B3
- 424B7 424B7
- 485A24E Registration statement for management investment companies Rule 485(b)0.24
- 485A24F Registration statement for management investment companies Rule 485(b) 24f-2
- 485APOS Registration statement for management investment companies Rule 485(a)
- 485B24E Registration statement for management investment companies Rule 485(a)0.24
- 485B24F 485B24F
- 485BPOS Registration statement for management investment companies) 485(b)
- 486A24E 486A24E
- 486B24E 486B24E
- 486BPOS 486BPOS
- 487 Pre-effective pricing amendments filed pursuant to Rule 487
- 8-A12B Registration of certain classes of securities 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act
- 8-A12B/A Amendment to a previously filed 8-A12B
- 8-A12G Registration of certain classes of securities 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act
- 8-A12G/A Amendment to a previously filed 8-A12G
- 8-B12B Registration of securities of certain successor issuers 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act
- 8-B12B/A Amendment to a previously filed 8-B12B
- 8-B12G Registration of securities of certain successor issuers 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act
- 8-B12G/A Amendment to a previously filed 8-B12G
- 8A12BEF Registration of listed debt securities 12(b)
- 8A12BT 8A12BT
- 8A12BT/A Amendment to a previously filed 8A12BT
- BW-3 BW-3
- DEL AM Delaying amendment
- F-1 Registration statement for certain foreign private issuers
- F-1/A This filing is a pre-effective amendment to an F-1 filing
- F-1MEF Registration of up to an additional 20% of securities for an offering filed on an F-1
- F-2 Registration statement for certain foreign private issuers
- F-2/A Amendment to a previously filed F-2
- F-3 Registration statement for certain foreign private issuers offered for certain transactions
- F-3/A Amendment to a previously filed F-3
- F-3DPOS Amendment to a previously filed F-3D
- F-4 Registration statement for foreign private issuers issued in certain business transactions
- F-4/A Amendment to a previously filed F-4
- F-6 Registration of depository shares evidenced by American Depository Receipts
- F-6 POS Post-effective amendment to a previously filed F-6
- F-6/A Amendment to a previously filed F-6
- N-1 Registration statement for open-end management investment companies
- N-1/A Amendments to a previously filed N-1
- N-14 Registration statement for investment companies business combination
- N-14/A Pre-effective amendment to a previously filed N-14
- N-1A Registration statement for Mutual Funds
- N-1A EL N-1A EL
- N-1A EL/A N-1A EL/A
- N-1A/A Pre-effective amendments
- N-2 Registration statement for closed-end investment companies
- N-2/A RPre-effective amendment to an N-2 filing
- N-3 Registration statement for separate accounts (management investment companies)
- N-3 EL N-3 EL
- N-3 EL/A N-3 EL/A
- N-3/A Pre-effective amendment to an N-3 filing
- N-4 Registration statement for separate accounts (unit investment trusts)
- N-4 EL N-4 EL
- N-4 EL/A N-4 EL/A
- N-4/A Pre-effective amendment to an N-4 filing
- N-5 Registration statement for small business investment companies
- N-5/A Pre-effective amendment to an N-5 filing
- N-54A Notification of election by business development companies
- N-54A/A Pre-effective amendment to an N-54A filing
- N-8A Notification of registration under section 8(a)
- N-8A/A Pre-effective amendment to an N-8A filing
- N-8B-2 Registration statement for unit investment trusts
- N-8B-2/A Amendments to a previously filed N-8B-2
- N-8B-4 Registration statement for face-amount certificate companies
- N-8B-4/A Pre-effective amendment to an N-8B-4 filing
- N14AE24 N14AE24
- N14AE24/A N14AE24/A
- N14EL24 N14EL24
- N14EL24/A N14EL24/A
- POS AM Post-effective amendment to an S-Type filing
- POS AMI Post-effective amendments
- POS462B Post effective amendment to proposed Securities Act Rule 462(b) registration statement
- POS462C Post effective amendment to proposed Securities Act Rule 462(c) registration statement
- S-1 Registration statement for face-amount certificate companies
- S-1/A Amended Registration statement for face-amount certificate companies
- S-11 Registration of securities of certain real estate companies
- S-11/A Pre-effective amendment to an S-11 filing
- S-11MEF Registration of up to an additional 20% of securities for any offering registered on a S-11
- S-1MEF Registration of up to an additional 20% of securities for any offering registered on an S-1
- S-2 Optional registration form that may be used by some companies
- S-2/A Pre-effective amendment to S-2 filing
- S-20 Initial registration statement for standardized options
- S-20/A Amendment to a previously filed S-20
- S-2MEF Registration of up to an additional 20% of securities for any offering registered on an S-2
- S-3 Simplified registration form
- S-3/A Pre-effective amendment to an S-3 filing
- S-3D Registration statement of securities pursuant to dividend or interest reinvestment plans
- S-3D/A Amendment to a previously filed S-3D
- S-3DPOS Post-effective amendment to an S-3D filing
- S-3MEF Registration of up to an additional 20% of securities for any offering registered on a S-3
- S-4 POS Post-effective amendment to an S-4EF filing
- S-4EF Securities issued in connection with formation of a bank savings and loan etc
- S-4EF/A Pre-effective amendment to an S-4EF filing
- S-4MEF A new registration statement filed under Rule 462(b) to add securities to a prior related registrati
- S-6 Initial registration statement for unit investment trusts
- S-6/A Pre-effective amendment to an S-6 filing
- S-6EL24 S-6EL24
- S-6EL24/A S-6EL24/A
- S-8 Securities offered to employees pursuant to employee benefit plans
- S-8 POS Post-effective amendment to an S-8 filing
- S-8/A Amendment to a previously filed S-8
- SB-1 Optional filing for small business issuers for the registration of securities to be sold to public
- SB-1/A Pre-effective amendment to an SB-1 filing
- SB-2 Optional form for the registration of securities to be sold to the public by small business issuers
- SB-2/A Pre-effective amendment to an SB-2 filing
- SB-2MEF Registration of up to an additional 20% of securities for any offering registered on a SB-2